Exclusive Deals with Direct Booking
Our Website

Best price guaranteed*

Breakfast at 9€

Free cancellation up to 5 days before

Real-time availability

All types of rooms available

Online check-in
* We guarantee you a saving of 5% to 15% on the official price of other portals (excluding personal benefits or discounts)
Other portals or comparators
🛑 Prezzo maggiorato delle commissioni
🛑 Breakfast at 12€
🛑 Free cancellation up to 7 days before
🟡 Room availability may be limited
🟡 Not all types of rooms will be available
🟡 No online check-in
Enjoy Our Experiences
The experiences offered by our hotel are unique and carefully selected. Avoid the stress of having to plan your stay, our activities are all-inclusive and include overnight accommodations and hands-on activities all within the same facility or within walking distance in the historic center.

The Jeweler Craftsman
Discover the art of jewelry making with a one-night stay at Hotel Continentale and an exclusive workshop. Create your own unique piece of jewelry guided by local master artisans.

The Art of Gelato Making
Immerse yourself in the delightful world of Italian gelato with our Craft Your Flavor workshop. Led by a master gelato maker, you'll learn to create various flavors, from classic favorites to unique combinations inspired by local Tuscan desserts.

Ceramic Creations
Under the guidance of our experienced ceramic artisans, you will embark on a hands-on journey that will unveil the secrets of this ancient craft. From the initial selection of clay to the final glazing and firing, you will master the fundamental techniques that transform this ordinary material into objects of extraordinary beauty and allure.